
Showing posts from 2012

Mini Project ...~

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. tak sah students tak ada assignment ni kan.. mesti ada je lecturer yg akan mengisi kekosongan tu.hahaha... so. Mini Project for this semester... IS SUCCESSFULLY DONE!!!!  >.< haaaa.ini semua kena beli sendiri tau. tp kerja2 beli ni mesti la kasi dekat budak laki.. diorg senang sikit nak explore ni. jadi saya yg budak perempuan ni hanya uruskan report yg formal tu.. kerja taip2 ni la kan...pastu print. :) just this morning, we need to present our result using PSpice Software.'s kind of new to me. I had no idea how to use this software.. :( still need a guide from one's whos senior~ thanks to my group... apip, pdot, kokdiang ngn madi... tgok. LED tu menyala kan...haaa...:) tp actually dia flip flop circuit... so LED tu akan kelip2 antara dua2 tu sendiri.. sbb amk gambar ni dia stop kat satu LED je....:P syok x.?? heee...

Malam Citra Kasih 2012

Assalamulaikum w.b.t Hai.Hai.Hai.... is the end of my Kesatria Koko. :) no need to attend class on Friday evening. no need to rush after class to Pdg Kawad anymore no need to having marching anymore~ yeah.that is for me. this night is the end of that all!!! :'( it feels sad when remembered everything that I went through the whole weeks.. entering pertandingan kawad kaki aka PERKAD~ BBQ with komander near the pool .. great~ having a late night practises.. getting scold at -.-''.. running the whole Pdg Kawad 2 times O.o'' class in raining days.. dancing step up dance~ :P hahahaha.. yup.we as the PERKAD team need to present on this night.. so. WE DANCEd >.< huhuhu... after this, no more seeing komander. I'm sure going to miss them. THANK YOU! :)

Jalan-Jalan Cuti Sekolah

Assalamualaikum w.b.t Di pagi yang indah lagi ceria...rancang nak keluar jalan-jalan. almaklumlah sekarang cuti sekolah...(for my brothers of course) aku cuma mahasiswi yang sering meluangkan hari minggu di rumah.. :P fikir lah tempat apa yang menarik..  1) Water park I-City.. tapi, disebabkan kami sekeluarga bangun , matahari sudahpun tegak di atas kepala.hmmmm,   harap je la nak main sehari suntuk dalam tu..   2) Wet World...disebabkan ada satu article dalam facebook pasal kencing tikus , niat nak pergi kesana pun terbantut.   3) Mines Wonderland...wooo.ini google last minute.and this were the place my family went to. :> tapi masalahnya...tempat ni dah lama tutup.tu la...main google je tak tengok tarikh.JADI~~ Guess what?? bukan Wonderland yang kitorang pergi... ada Festival Buku (Bookfair)..hampir 95% diskaun pulak tu. and.and.and....ramai orang- crowded gler -.- tapi sebelum pergi bookfair tu singgah makan kat Kenny Rogers~ perut berbunyi ...

save them.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Salam sejahtera kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia. semoga anda dalam keadaan sihat dan tenang. sedih bila dengar kemusnahan yg melampau di GAZA sekarang. saudara seIslam kita di tindas secara terang-terangan. apa yg mereka buat salah pun kita tak tahu... :'( "sesungguhnya ALLAH S.W.T. itu maha mengetahui. Kau tempatkanlah mereka yg syahid itu ditempat org2 yg beriman. -AMIN-" apa yg boleh kita buat adalah berdoa... itupun belum tentu doa kita dimakbulkan~ kita juga manusia yg serba kekurangan.. walau apa pun... harap kemusnahan ini tidak akan berlanjutan.. "Ya ALLAH, kau berikanlah keamanan dan kesejahteraan kepada hamba-hambamu di dunia ini. Dan janganlah engkau melalaikan kami dengan kebendaan dan kemewahan dunia, Ya ALLAH."


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. tbe2 rasa lagu comel sgt... tula..tgok lagi movie Cinta Kura-Kura.~ lirik : Tubuhku menggeletar Di hati rasa berdebar Apabila kau muncul menjelma di depan mata Aku ketandusan kata kerana lidah rasa kelu Ku cuba tepis perasaan tapi hati menuntut Apakah sudah masuk musim cinta Chorus Katakan kenapa Kau buat malamku sukar untuk tidur Menanti esok tiba ‘tuk berjumpa Katakan kenapa Kau buat siangku asyik mengelamun Kepingin untuk bersama denganmu Katakan kenapa Ku jatuh hati padamu Mataku tidak lekang tak jemu-jemu memandang Bak kata mereka yang terbaik dari ladang Memberikan perasaan teruja yang menggoda jiwa Setabah mana hati akhirnya pasti mengalah Apakah sudah masuk musim cinta Ulang Chorus Ku jatuh hati padamu Apakah sudah masuk musim cinta


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Alhamdulillah..syukur ke hadrat ilahi. akhirnya...tamat sudah pengorbanan selama ni.. kawad tiap2 malam.. hafal segala pergerakan.. beli brg2 yg diperlukan.. mesej kwn2 ada latihan.. yup.. walaupun kami hanya dpt beraksi selama 10 minit shj. tapi itu sudah cukup memuaskan. setelah semua "ALL OUT"  >.< tapi.tapi.tapi.. apakan daya... kami tidak berjaya ke TOP 3.. seperti yg diharapkan oleh para komander kami.. *maaf komander. :'( saya tahu, komander sume sedih kan. sbb batch ktorg tak mampu nak sambung legasi 3 kali berturut-turut tu. :'( *sangat-sangat , saya minta maaf. -x dpt nak luahkan dgn mulut- :'( komander kesatria company sangat-sangat la AWESOME. will be missing the night practices with them... walaupun hampir tiap2 latihan kena maki-hamun je =.='' aiyooo...itu memang dah lali da. well atleast my kawad skills is improving...  :P anyway, Thank you for the chances. Thank you for wi...

Happy Birthday to ME~

Assalamualaikum w.b.t :) Attention 3X!! I have one announcement to make. I'm officially become 19 years old girl starting today..:) so... I wish for me to be a better ME than the old me~ may Allah guide me into the right way. and Thank you ALLAH for giving me chance to live up until now. Alhamdulillah... I have so much blessing today.. with both my friends. you guys are all AWESOME...:) not to mention.. I got a chocolate bar...*the big one* *yummy ^______^ *

Enjoy the Drama

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Tipu la kan kalau cuti seminggu x menonton langsung kan~~ >.< jadi antara drama-drama yang berjaya memikat hati ini.. utk sentiasa bersedia mengadap kotak televisyen tepat pada masanya ialah.. jeng,jeng.jeng.. 1. Adam & Hawa hah.ini bukan saya sorang je tau yg layan.... tapi satu famili.. mak.ayah.abang.adik.. semua amk pot2 baik punya sbb nak tgok drama ni. sebelum ni x tgok pun adam & hawa ni.. tapi sbb da semua tgok...kita pun jadi ikut je la. ^ - ^'' 2. Tiara drama ni baru lagi...x silap baru episod 10 macam tu la. fall in love with the OST. which Adira and Aliff Aziz sing together.. Keajaiban Cinta every Monday to Thursday...5.00-6.00 pm hmmm.sempat tgok satu minggu je la.. lepas ni start kelas x dpt da tgok. :'( 3. Rooftop Prince heee..tak sah la kalau x de satu drama korea. sangat.sangat sangat la kelakar... dan x masuk akal pun ada jugak... drama ni every Saturday..kat Astro ON...

wishful me..:)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. eh eh..gambar apa ni?? x clear kan.. meme tade keje dah ni..sje je nak tgok acane rupa gmbar bila amk gne fon and then transfer ke computer... ceng gini rupanya~~ hmmm....*agak x menepati citarasa :(* well..that's not the story. apa yg nak cerita nya ialah "SAYA MASUK PERKAD!!!! :) " hahaha...caya x.caya x??? PERKAD ni ialah satu pertandingan kawad kaki antara company bagi Persatuan Kesatria Negara. *aka Kesat* dlm UiTM ni ada lebih kurang 21 company...jd kitorang semua akan ada satu platun utk bertanding. Bila???!! 10/11/2012 ni...hari sabtu depan kot.  >.< sebelum cuti semester hari tu kitorg da berlatih da every night... dari jam 8.30 malam hingga 10.00 malam..*saya tau saya rajin  :P * tapi utk minggu depan ni...iaitu lagi seminggu sebelum hari bertanding.. komander nak awalkan latihan dari jam 8.00 malam. *woah...bila ntah kau nak belajar kan kheilda???* takpe.takpe....hari masih panjang.insyaALLAH kau bole...

Semester Break + Raya Haji

Assalamulaikum w.b.t. yes!! The moment I've longed waited have finally come over...*Is my grammar right??* which is the "Semester Break".. even though it's just a week... but still I don't need to walk all the way to the MENARA~ *where the lecture hall placed* very.very.very tired... everyday it is a MUST to bring a bottle of mineral water... if not I will trap in exhausted for a very long period of time and sweating came out like you've drown in rain~  =.=''  *just a hyperbola, not really sweat~hahahha* the last day before going home... me and my girl's friends went out to KFC~ it feels like it was the end...but actually just a semester break...and also just a week. but we really.really.really enjoy it.  ^-^ *there is someone missing...the one who takes the picture * well...I made it home!!! I am HOME now~ agagagagga.....*such a happy mode* and also this friday (26/10/2012) is AidilAdha.... for Muslim get their Haji Ib...

EUC 2012

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Engineering Unity Carnival 2012.. yang menggabungkan ke empat-empat fakulti kejuruteraan di UiTM. bagi mengeratkan dan mengenali antara satu sama lain.. wooooo...!!!! walaupun event ni dah 3 minggu berlalu... tapi nak juga la post entri ni..^_^. mula-mula tu memang rasa berat hati juga pergi EUC ni.. sbb hari minggu kan...(Sabtu & Ahad) [cis...x dpt balik rumah minggu ni >:( ] ~itulah perasaan sebenar... but...event wajib en. siap direkodkan lagi...mmg tak beranilah nak ponteng-ponteng kan.. FYI saya budak baik tau :> *group 3  ^.^* la group saya.... kitorang di group kan campur2 dengan fakulti kejuruteraan yg lain. jadi semua mcm baru " first time " jumpa la....(segan-segan gitu =.= ) first day ada sesi perkenalan dengan GL (Group Leader).. yg pakai baju oren2 tu sume GL group sayalah... diorg la yg jaga kitorang...amk mknan...bagi penerangan sepanjang event..:) kitorang kena prepare cheers, b...

Damai Yang Hilang - NowSeeHeart

Tercalar pelangi dihiris gerimis Senja pun merangkak menutup mentari Terbias warnanya ke wajah Lagu kedamaian tiada kedengaran Bumi yang merekah disirami darah Kemelut melanda tiada kesudahan Kemusnahan bermaharajalela Yang lemah menjadi mangsa Anak-anak kecil mengongcangkan ibunya Yang lemah longlai tak lagi bernyawa Jeritan suara batinnya Tak siapa mendengarnya Tergaadaikan maruah oleh janji-janji Terbayarkah dengan nyawa dan darah Soalan yang tiada jawapan Kemanusiaan telah lama hilang Kini yang tinggal hanya ketakutan Musnah kasih sayang dan persaudaraan Tandus akhlak dan keimanan Menyemai persengketaan hehehe.....I went to their performance at DATC. there were so many crowd. which had made me found no seat and just sit on the floor~... >.<'' but still... it was interesting. it was 10.00 pm. and my eyes were like =.-'' until NowSeeHeart came in....and I was just like. ahhhhh..I know this song. and start to ...

Calculus II....??? =.=''

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. why is it so hard to solve the problems?? I spend more than an hour to figure out ONE question only~~~ tired of thinking ....:'( not most of them I really find the answer.. literally I leave it blank... and plan to just ask few of my friends~ haaa wonder if the teacher will get angry with me. because I just solve those with the easiest!!! (tapi bukan senang sgt pun....susa jugak la) I'm learning the integration now... the sample given are way to easy compare to the practices.. how come they did it like that??? well.... I did do them step by step though.. it just the answer WON'T come out!! Please.... help..... me.....~ I... am....... helpless....=.=''

Spain she goes~

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. I'll gladly want to share to you that my sister had already fly to Spain.. to further her studies in engineering course there.. after spending 2 years of A-Level here at UniKL, Kulim.... lucky me I still be able to accompany her at airport. it was at the evening... they were waiting for the tour guide to lead them.. after the briefing... we went to pray solat Maghrib... fuuuuuu....there was a lot of people in there...with that small surau. but we made it eventually..  ^-^ actually there was a few other student who under MARA that also fly at the same day... so many people were at the airport... including their aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, grandfather, grandmother and so on.. before my sister went back to her group.. we had our dinner at Mc Donald~ I brought back my french fries to college as I could not finished it. these are all my sister's classmate.. they all go to Spain... but some are going to Barcelona...while some...


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. MDS SESI SEPT 2012 UITM SHAH ALAM tamatlah sudah seminggu orientasi di UiTM Shah Alam.. bagi menyambung pelajaran di peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda..:) bermula 1 September 2012  berakhir 8 September 2012 (* 8 hari ni.bukan seminggu~) waaaah...mula-mula masa hari pertama tu. Ya Allah~ kenapa lah akak-akak PM (Pembantu Mahasiswa) ni sume garang-garang?? keje asyik nak jerit-jerit je. asyik nak mara je...terutama Biro Disiplin la. tiap ari bangun kul 4... *tp ada jugak hari tu telajak kul 5.30. kelam-kabut mandi.takut PM mara. tiap ari jugak tdo kul 1 lebih. tiap ari kena makan cepat-cepat. tiap ari kena tahan ngntok. tiap ari takut nak skip taklimat sbb nanti PM jerit-jerit kat korang.~ * memang x patut buat. but actually... they are all kind as a mother~ *my mother is kind, that why I prefer mother as the sample. diorang buat macam tu utk membentuk ktorang budak-budak "freshie" ni jadi orang yg ba...

Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. I've been excitedly enjoy reading this -i.n.t.e.r.e.s.t.i.n.g- manga.. *on my thought~ for the past months... I found it when I am in the middle of surveying all kind of romance manga.. and here it is ~>.<''~ SHIAWASE KISSA SANCHOUME It is a story about a kid, Uru , 16 years old who decided to leave home after her mother remarried... because she feels troubled after her father's death. she is constantly mistaken as an elementary school because of her height. but she is ridiculously strong....that made this manga into laughter~ Uru then happened to find this 'HAPPY CAFE' also known as bakery.. which owned by Shindou, 20 (the black one >.<'') which also an orphan. He have the skills to bake way to excellent than a woman~hahaha.... There also Ichirou, 18 (the white one :]). he sleeps whenever he is hungry and can only wakes up by feeding him sweets.... and most of the time, Uru is ...

Ada orang nak datang umah :P

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. actually, kakak yg plan nak buat open house utk kawan2 dia.. tapi..d'sebabkan ada org tu tbe2 nak dtg umah. jd. terpaksa la mintak approval kakak. *mintak nak bwk kawan skali.bole x?? org tu kawan sekolah mnengah dulu... sama-sama jadi pengawas PSS~ -otak diorg ni gila-gila. tp saya baik- -yg baju itam tu Ahmad...yg baju putih tu Asnawi  :] - dah lama x jumpa diorg ni... kalau dulu2 slalu je jumpa sbb ada meeting Pengawas. sekarang just ckap2 dalam facebook je. diorg ni nampak je mcm pandai-pandai senarnya. kan.kan. - senior ...x sebaya la. Mai nama dia. she knows my sis. heee. :] - dia follow kete Asnawi sbb sebelum dtg sini diorg beraya umah Mai ni dulu... siap dapat duit raya lagi.ishk.ishk.ishk.. untunglaaar~ ok.baru tau...asnawi ni ada alergi ngn kamera... kalau ada org amk gmbar dia sorg2... nanti dia jadi kaku...*x tau la knp. tp OK je dlm gambar ni.. siap posing lg kan.. ;) ...

A week of RAYA

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Hai.Hai.Hai...hows your raya going on?? mesti best kan buat rombongan ramai2 pergi rumah terbuka (open house)..  =] hihi...its a tradisional for people to make open house during Raya season. and there will be lots of lots of food be served...  *yummmy~* as for me...I already went more than 10 houses. most of it was my cousins'... I don't visit much of friends' lately to be accurately, none~ because I feel kind of shame seeing themm...heee.. but there are some of my friend come to my house..woooo. kind of ambush actually. its good to be prepare, you know... -walaupun bukan rumah terbuka- but its just a quick visit.. they have another houses to get going.heee...and it was 5.30 pm!!! back to open house that I attended to~ yep.the food was all very delicious... -ingat nak tambah lagi, tapi segan la pulak- at that state...I will show my cute face to my brother for them to take the food a little for me. hihi..  *ehe.I am a bad si...

Salam Eid

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. It's already 5 Syawal now. so far so good.. I'd increase in weight for the past 5 days~  *rezeki, mana bole ditolak Just want to wish all the Muslims.. SeLAMat HaRi RaYa AiDiLfiTrI        MaaF ZaHir & BaTiN         Hamba disini menyusun 10 jari...       dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki...       Jika ada salah silap di mana-mana.       Ampun diminta seikhlas hati.   :'( got some can read Saat Takbir Raya Dilaungkan hehe...:) I found this nice photo..somebody edit it beautifully. it makes me remember old memories..:) *nice isn't. for asasian and student at palam... I also want to thank to them who wish me hari raya...:)

speak up bravely

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.  (:  In every single group discussion that I attend there is always things which keep pooping in my head while others were busying giving points ~ do you know what it is?? to them : "Please give me chance to talk  :( " to myself : "Hye, get speak up already !!!" it is always like this. and I would be end up silent all the time by just nodding on their points only. well.what to do. I don't own the courage to speak. there are a lot of people who are brave for themselves~ that is nicely said. I only thought if things goes smoothly then there is nothing to be worry. but it is wrong. if you don't speak up, nobody will know that YOU'RE THERE!!! that just how it is ~   >.<

having awkward conversation =..=

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. have you ever been in this kind of situation before? it is like you had been caught on something from your friend... but it seems hard to explain to that them what is actually going on~ the truth is known only to you.. however, you just out of word to describe it. >.<'' iyap... I been in there just recently. I felt guilty to her because I don't proceed things with her instead I go with my other friend. well..something like that. actually. deep down in me. I feel like I've been cheated by her. because she did told me lies when she confronted me at first... can say that I lost my sense of trusting on her. I can not explain this to her at instant or just by chatting~ because I know...she will be hurt. :'( but. it is just how I feel now. but you know what??! I'll FIX it... I'll erase all those bad feeling away... and protect my friendship... :)