A week of RAYA

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Hai.Hai.Hai...hows your raya going on??
mesti best kan buat rombongan ramai2 pergi rumah terbuka (open house)..  =]

hihi...its a tradisional for people to make open house during Raya season.
and there will be lots of lots of food be served...  *yummmy~*

as for me...I already went more than 10 houses.
most of it was my cousins'...
I don't visit much of friends' lately
to be accurately, none~
because I feel kind of shame seeing themm...heee..

but there are some of my friend come to my house..woooo.
kind of ambush actually.
its good to be prepare, you know...
-walaupun bukan rumah terbuka-
but its just a quick visit..
they have another houses to get going.heee...and it was 5.30 pm!!!

back to open house that I attended to~
yep.the food was all very delicious...
-ingat nak tambah lagi, tapi segan la pulak-
at that state...I will show my cute face to my brother for them to take the food a little for me. hihi..
 *ehe.I am a bad sister, I know it~

rendang..ketupat..soto..kuah kacang..bubur..sup tulang..lemang..kuih raya..air jus..puding..spagethi meat balls..caramel..nasi impit..ayam goreng..kimchi Malay style..nasi beriani..
ahhh...by just imagine this.
that all make my saliva flows out already.  :P

I hope there are more house to go..
and I will meet various of food there...ahhh.


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