Malam Citra Kasih 2012

Assalamulaikum w.b.t

Hai.Hai.Hai.... is the end of my Kesatria Koko. :)

no need to attend class on Friday evening.
no need to rush after class to Pdg Kawad anymore
no need to having marching anymore~

yeah.that is for me.
this night is the end of that all!!! :'(

it feels sad when remembered everything that I went through the whole weeks..
entering pertandingan kawad kaki aka PERKAD~
BBQ with komander near the pool .. great~
having a late night practises..
getting scold at -.-''..
running the whole Pdg Kawad 2 times O.o''
class in raining days..
dancing step up dance~ :P

yup.we as the PERKAD team need to present on this night..
so. WE DANCEd >.<

after this, no more seeing komander.
I'm sure going to miss them.


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