
Showing posts from 2014


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. sihat? nak story sikit ni. best semalam!!  kami yg gegurls plan buat BBQ. alhamdulillah. semua berjalan dgn lancar. walaupun kadang tu risau juga sbb mendung je kan, takut hujan nanti tak boleh masak ayam. tarikh : 14.11.2014 tempat : tasik sek 7 tema : color blocking (acah-acah je) ok.tepat jam 3.00 aku pun drive keluar rumah. lepas dah waze kat mana tempat. almaklumla.. aku mana penah jejak kaki kat tasik sek 7 tu. selalu jog kat tasik sek 2 je. sampai-sampai je kat tempat parking dia tu kan tiba-tiba henset berbunyi minta dijawab ehhh. ni budak kolej ni. kenapa?  (dalam hati) (lebih kurang macam ni la dialog nya) aku : Assalamualaikum. eh kenapa ni? dia : Da, amk kitorg da. kat bustop anggerik. aku : heh. bukan korg naik bas ke dtg sini? dia : hehe, ala amk la ktorg dulu, nanti aku cerita kat kau apa jadi. aku : (pasrah je la) eeee.korg ni. Ok la.jap. aku pun kena la pusing masuk UiTM balik utk amk diorg. haaaa. na...

Cuti MidSem

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. lagi 2 hari je kot cuti nak habis. baru jumpa drama buat tontonan. haishhhh. selama ni duk ngadap FB je. kalau jumpa awal-awal kan bagus. I Hear Your Voice "A drama about public defenders who take on the toughest cases with less than 1% chance of winning. Jang Hye Sung (Lee Bo Young) is a bold, sassy, thick-faced, comical female lawyer. She is a prickly edge, sharp tongue who doesn’t have a bit of concept or manners and finds it hard to be enthusiastic about what she does. Cha Kwan Woo (Yoon Sang Hyun) is a serious, passionate and macho former police officer who becomes a government lawyer. Meanwhile, Park Soo Ha (Lee Jong Suk) is a 19 years old boy who has the ability or superpower to read the people’s minds. Together they will team up to solve the cases no one else wants, cases that only have a one percent chance of being found innocent." hari ni tonton episod 8. sedih episod ni. I had my running nose~ hahahaha. pa...

20 Things About Me

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. psssssst. don't waste your time reading this. its just a piece of me okay, here we go : 1. not a sociable person-that's why I communicate through blog~ 2. shy to take a selfie but comfortable with wefie. haha. 3. really.really don't know what I'm suppose to be yet 4. desire to jog, but always walk instead. 5. trying to wear a shawl properly 6. likes bullying her brothers. -in a good way- 7. blood type O+ 8. afraid to donate blood. but I really want to try one. 9. not comfortable with strangers. so please approach me softly. 10. never switch my h/p no  11. love my bed so much 12. get attached easily to korean ost song but never understand them. 13. don't know how to speak first. 14. easily get to awkward moment. 15. speak clumsily. 16. people say I'm too kind , heee. 17. spend a lot of time sleeping. 18. tak reti makan pedas.  19. love green colour 20. love you all- especially sakinah, who get m...

To Them

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Aku tak mampu untuk mengarang sesuatu. Sekadar perkongsian buat rakan-rakan. " Buat sahabat sahabat yang bakal memasuki medan peperangan, الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ ۗ أَلَا بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ (الرعد:٢٨) "(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia. Hati ini, tangan ini, jari jari ini, otak ini, mata ini dan seluruh jasad kita adalah kepunyaan Allah. Kalau Allah nak buat kita blank, kalau Allah nak buat kita sakit, kalau Allah nak buat kita lupa, kalau Allah nak buat kita ingat segala galanya, kalau Allah nak buat kita boleh jawab semua, itu semuanya hak dia. Sebab semuanya Dia yang punya. Maka jangan bersedih andai rasa tak mampu, maka jangan bersedih andai rasa lemah, maka jangan bersedih andai rasa bakal lupa. Sebab keputusan yang terbaik pad...

Fated to Love You (korean drama)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. It's been a long time since I've loved a certain song. And here it is !!!!! Ailee -  Goodbye My Love * don't have any special meaning or whatsoever to me I've recently watching this korean drama. *Fated to Love You. staring Jang Na Ra and Jang Hyuk but not all of it. I watched only the first and the last episode hahahahaha. well. save my time a little bit. And the ending part there was this song. that makes my heart melting as soon I heard it. weeeee. so. enjoy it everyone. Waalaikumsalam w.b.t.


Assalammualaikum w.b.t. " Kalau tak ada kegelapan, kita tak akan nampak bintang ." - AWAN Semua yang berlaku dalam dunia ini ada hikmahnya cuma kita je yang masih terpinga-pinga. " Kalau Allah nak kita jumpa jawapan tu, jumpalah kita. " -AJAIB Dua novel yang dikategorikan dalam bacaan umum. Ajaib dan Awan. merupakan perumpaan yang diberikan kepada dua org remaja yang mempunyai deria lebih daripada manusia biasa. merupakan kawan rapat merangkap BFF , apapun but not a gay couple. AJAIB dulu, AWAN kemudian. #fixi #SyafiqAizat Habis sudah cuti semesterku setelah habisnya pembacaan kedua-dua novel ini. Waalaikumsalam

Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi rojiun

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Sesungguhnya daripada DIA kita datang,   dan kepada DIA kita kembali. Death do come to us. does not matter one's age, one's characters, one's religion. all we need to do is preparing ourselves for it. The loss of our beloved is a common things people comes and go in between. REDHA is something we need to have. putting all the trust to Allah that HE loves them more than us who are still breathing. all there's left for us is to pray for them  In sya Allah. with God willing, semoga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan para mukminin. aminnn.

makan-makan sama kawan

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. di akhir-akhir minggu ni kami sebulat suara setuju utk mgadakan sesi makan-makan. dah akhir minggu semester 4 dah rupanya. tujuan utama : utk mengeratkan ukhuwah kami sekelas. wah!! heeee. jadi semalam. cadangnya nk start makan jam 10.00 pagi. tapi krik.krik.krik.krik indahnya bunyi nyanyian cengkerik tu kan jam tepat kul 11 pun tak mula-mula lagi. tggu kawan-kawan lain. biasalah. memang biasa dah pun. alhamdulillah. 11.30 pagi. doa selamat dan makan di aminkan kami semua. alangkah bahagianya perut ini bila datang menghampiri makanan yang sedia terhidang. weeeee. ada bihun goreng. nasi goreng. donut big apple. fries. cocktail. keropok ! air pun ada juga. nyum.nyum.nyummm. semua makan dgn hati yg gembira. harapnya la. in sya Allah. diselitkan dengan background song. kreatif juga idea mereka utk membawa speaker dan dicantumkan dgn sebuah telefon bimbit yg didalam nya terdapat 1001 macam jenis lagu. dibiarkan ia 'shuffle' send...


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. nak curi masa sekejap je. tiba-tiba rasa nak marah. pernah tak? aku ada. baru je tadi. tapi takde la marah tanpa sebab. ada sebabnya. but aku tak boleh nak show-show sgt. sebab aku bukan jenis yang suka marah-marah ni. *bajet sweet la tu~ eh tak la. memang dah gitu. aku tak diajar utk marah orang yang buat aku marah. mula-mula rasa biasa je. aku boleh control lagi tapi bila ada orang lain nampak. and siap tanya aku lagi kenapa~ -________________________- dah la. nak habis semester dah ni. tinggal seminggu lagi nak peperiksaan akhir. buang perasaan buruk-buruk tu jauh-jauh. bukannya elok pun. Terima kasih semua !! hehehe. waalaikumsalam.

Salam Rejab

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. hai. jumpa lagi kita dengan bulan Rejab. Alhamdulillah. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda :  "Lima malam doa tidak ditolak iaitu malam pertama bulan Rejab, malam Nisfu Sya'ban, malam Juma'at, malam Hari Raya Aidilfitri, dan malam Hari Raya Aidiladha."  (HR. Al-Baihaqi)

The Vamps - Somebody To You

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. new song in my head.  YEAH. YEAH. YOU. (Yeah you) (Yeah you) I used to want to be Living like there's only me And now I spend my time Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind (Yeah you) I used to be so tough Never really gave enough And then you caught my eye Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike (Yeah you) Look at me now I'm falling Can't even talk, still stuttering This cloud I'm on keeps shaking Oh oh oh now All I want to be yeah, All I ever want to be, yeah, yeah Is somebody to you All I want to be yeah All I ever want to be, yeah, yeah Is somebody to you Everybody's tryin' to be a billionaire But every time I look at you I just don't care Cause all I want to be yeah All I ever want to be, yeah, yeah Is somebody to you (Yeah you) I used to run around I didn't want to settle down But now I wake each day Looking for a way that I can see your face (Yeah you)...
Assalamualaikum w.b.t. miss me? neeee...mesti tak kan. hmmm. x pe. x pe. x kisah pun~ well. I'm on my mid-sem break!!!   for one whole week.       escape from morning to evening classes.           don't have to panic when no parking available. hee.hee.hee. so just now. I've finished watching this korean drama " EMERGENCY COUPLE " very interesting comedy drama. full of cute and funny moment. orite, so next drama? hmmm. need to think about it.

Pengalaman jd AJK

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. bajet kan.setakat AJK je pun nak story dalam blog. heeee. well. this is my first time actually. tu yg tgh excited ni. tapi kalau x nak baca pun x pe. x paksa pun. ini sekadar kenangan utk aku pd masa hadapan nti. kot-kot terlupa, leh baca blog sndiri, kan? ok. program nya diberi nama "Video Editing Workshop 2" aka ViEW2 last sem ada ViEW1, tp x penah sedar pun. x pe la. join je la. nak tau cm mana aku leh jd AJK?? haaaa..crita dia through wassap je~ special x?? heee. x de la. mmg dgn wassap je pun. pengarah program diberi beberapa no student yg baru dftar. so main pick random sesape je kot. dpt wassap akhir2 sem lepas. mention kat situ detail program n bla.bla.bla sume. so semester baru pun start. first week tu ada meeting. First meeting. sesi perkenalan sikit2. sbb program ni satu hari je, so AJK nya pun sikit je. lucky me sbb ada kawan sekali jd AJK. apa-apa hal ada geng. dpt tugas jd biro pendaftaran. partner dgn ak...

Bii - Come Back to Me

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Hello. whats up? heee. I found this nice song. Bii - Come Back To Me the singer is taiwaness-korean. cool. I was watching drama Love Around originally is Taiwan but then after several of googling. the Korean version came up. its pretty catchy too. really like the chorus "COME BAAAACK TO ME~ "   but recently didn't have the downlod link. WHY????~ so someone. please do tell me where can I download this korean version song.  Enjoy the lyrics~ Come Back To Me 流星就要飞过 拥抱不能太久 再见请别说 Liu xing jiu yao fei guo yong bao bu neng tai jiu zai jian qing bie shuo 眼泪就要坠落 牵着你的手 转身后 不再困惑 Yan lei jiu yao zhui luo qian zhe ni de shou zhuan shen hou bu zai kun huo 이렇게 이렇게 이렇게 이렇게 迷路的我 会找到出口 I reoh ge i reoh ge i reoh ge i reoh ge mi lu de wo hui zhao dao chu kou 이렇게 이렇게 이렇게 이렇게 掉落的梦 还给我 I reoh ge i reoh ge i reoh ge i reoh ge diao luo de meng huan gei wo [Chorus] Come Back To Me Come Back To Me 请给我更勇敢的双手 Come B...

The Vamps

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. I'm recently got into this band. " THE VAMPS " while driving the car the song of Can We Dance was playing. so as I arrived home. I searched the band. and it was UK. same as McFly. well. seem to be overboard with them for awhile. heee this is Wild Heart. enjoy the lyrics *catch their music video in the link above.  "Wild Heart" I was walking away, But she's so beautiful it made me stay I don't know her name, But I'm hoping she might feel the same So here I go again, She got my heart again! Tonight we'll dance I'll be yours and you'll be mine We won't look back, Take my hand and we will shine Oh, oh, oh She needs a wild heart [2x] I got a wild heart Stay here, my dear, Feels like I've been standing right here for years My mind's beat up Tell me that you feel this, and I won't give up I won't give up Tonight we'll dance I'll be yours and you'l...

Speaking in Quran.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Rupa-rupanya dalam Al-quran sendiri dah sebut dengan jelas cara-cara seseorang itu untuk bercakap. kesemuanya ada 13. tapi tak kesemuanya saya praktikkan dalam percakapan. saya ni cuma seseorang yg terdetik dihati utk berkongsi ilmu pengetahuan ini. Insya Allah akan memperbaiki diri utk lebih baik. sama ada dalam percakapannya atau perbuatannya dan juga niat kerana Allah taala. waalaikumsalam w.b.t.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. dengan ini saya ingin mengucapkan "SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2014" aik.dah masuk 20 haribulan baru nak celebrate~ erkkk... alkisah nya saya baru habis final exam semalam. so habis dah struggle minda dan mata. dok hafal formula itu ini. buat semua latihan balik semula. bincang jawapan dengan teman sekelas. and now I'm officially on semester break. I had so many things in mind I hope I'll manage to do it before next semester start soon. to all my friends : Happy Holiday uolz. Wish u the best of results. hihihi waalaikumsalam w.b.t.

Taisetsu Na Koto Wa Subete Kimi Ga Oshiete Kureta

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. apa khabar? saya pun sihat, alhamdulillah.  oh ha ah. saya nak habis degree semester 3 dah. *yahoOOOO. tinggal lagi satu paper je lagi sabtu ni~ so dlm masa 5 hari ni kena pulun satu paper ni je. moga dipermudahkan Allah s.w.t. haaaaa. kalau nak tau. hari minggu lepas mmg tak study langsung. sbb nya saje-saje nak biar minda kosong sambil-sambil tu search kat google drama apa yang best. and this came up!! Taisetsu Na Koto Wa Subete Kimi Ga Oshiete Kureta ada 11 episode semuanya. drama jepun mmg biasanya sampai 11 episod je. jadi sabtu ahad tu layan drama ni je la. hoho.ok la. kena sambung study lagi ni. last payper.last payper. waalaikumsalam