
24 March 2011
I'd struggle to get my 'P' license..
which means, the JPJ Test..

do you know what 23rd is??
it is the SPM result officially coming out..
but you know what.
I'm really.really.really nervous in taking the JPJ Test than taking my result.aha..

as my nervous go bigger and bigger
I went to toilet to cool down..
well.nothing happened actually..

I followed my friend.
there were 2 of them..
'wah.ramai nye yg test JPJ ek hari ni'
hah.pnuh kot dewan tu..
my no. was 86...
there still a long wait rite..

then the instructor call out the no 80 to 90...
ek..smpi turn da ke.cpt plak..
oh.kena wat test litar dlu...
tbe2 je nervous dtg balik.ahhh..
pnat je td cool down..=/

I get a pass card.but the no was 67.
hee.x ckop pass la tu...(bia je)
then wait for turn next to the 'bukit test'

tau x.kena naik bukit sorg2 ohh..
sume tgok..
whether they'll pass or not...
kind of creepy there...
sume tgok kete tu lps grsn kuning ke x..
tkn myk byk mne.jtoh balik ke..wah!!!!!
mmg nervous tu thp gnung Everest ah ble da tggu kat line dpn uh..
senyum kat bibir mmg da takleh hlg da!!!:)

so.I was up for my turn...
nervous ni~
naik bukit........'NAMA???'
eh,eh,eh...enjin mati lak.hoho..
hehe.start balik.huh..

car park test.
no 1..
teng....-bunyi tiang jatoh-
oiyt.tiang aku la.
hmmm.JPJ dtg...
so.officially I was failed in my track test...
it sad by the way~
I can't do the three pointer.

next.I'll have to wait for my road test..
my friend all passed the track test.
heee.I'm the only one yg x pass tau x.!!!eeeeeeee~
aha.I met student of 18 there..hah.x sgka..
borak la kjp.she gave me hope a little.heee.^.^

5.35 pm..
my 'Kancil' was here.
hmm.kancil un kancil je la..
pape pun..
I pass my road test.

ye,kena tggu lg sbulan utk re-test...
kalau nak + kls plak kena byr.
hmmm.that was it.THE END~

eh.bkn sbulan la..
lg seminggu!!!
cm kenal je tarikh ni.=]

''bak kata seorg shbtku, Firas
ini adlah post WAJIB JPJ~
jd aku un buat la post ni.^.^''


kheiru said…
hee.thank you...
tp tetap kena re-test,.=[
Silver Ring said…
hmm...cite awk sedih jgk r -_-
kte nk buat cite kte plak r :P

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