Result : Degree Time

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

officially I had knew my place for my degree this September 2012 !!!! it is...

kind of feeling lucky..
because I got want I've dream before..*alhamdulillah.syukur*
so I guess I should come to a preparation then.

actually.I woke up late this morning...
I completely forgot about the result today...
when suddenly my friend text me to know where I got.
and boooom...I remembered.  >.<''

I didn't get TM scholarship...uhuh.that is why I kind of sad about that.
but it just a temporary feeling..
I get well soon after I got this result....^-^

most of my friend got UTM for their degree.
hoooo..that was far to the south.
wish them all the best..
make all semester to 4 flat....!!!! *insyaALLAH.


d-na said…
amboi , the genius kheiru :P kihkihkih ... ape ape pun , congrats kheilda :D

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