Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
apakah itu Beani??
pernah kan anda melihat simbol ini [B]..
semasa anda ingin menonton wayang??
hah....itu la.
main belasah je beli tiket wayang...
let me tell you the whole story then..^-^
rabu lepas....plan ngn syazana nak tgok wayang...
yela...skali-skala,jmpa kawan lama......
destiny : sunway pyramid :)
dlm pukul 11 lbh..ktorg da smpi kat sunway dah..
then straight g tmpat wayang...
mle2 plan nak tgok cabin in the wood...
tp akak tu kata x de plak....apantah lg dia ckp,x brp faham..
so, trus je decide tgok Miror Miror.
lps tu...kena dcide tmpt plak kan...
kat sini da pelik da tau..
knp tmpat dia couple seat je???
bkn selalu memanjang ke....
tp ktorg pilih je la..
syazana kata [B] stand for Budak2...
yela tu budak2...
msok je panggung wayang tu...
cpt2 tgok balik no seat kat tiket uh..
hah..??x cye...
it is really a couple seat...
actually not seat...we had to lay down when watching the movie.
best x??haha..
sori la....x amk gmbr.
sbb terkejut nye pasal, lpe plak...
syazana ajk da suh amk takut guard tu mara~..:(
by the way...
that is [B] actually is...Beani??
don't know what it is really meaning..
there are only 16 couple seats all in the theater..
great experience.!!^-^
apakah itu Beani??
pernah kan anda melihat simbol ini [B]..
semasa anda ingin menonton wayang??
hah....itu la.
main belasah je beli tiket wayang...
let me tell you the whole story then..^-^
rabu lepas....plan ngn syazana nak tgok wayang...
yela...skali-skala,jmpa kawan lama......
destiny : sunway pyramid :)
dlm pukul 11 lbh..ktorg da smpi kat sunway dah..
then straight g tmpat wayang...
mle2 plan nak tgok cabin in the wood...
tp akak tu kata x de plak....apantah lg dia ckp,x brp faham..
so, trus je decide tgok Miror Miror.
lps tu...kena dcide tmpt plak kan...
kat sini da pelik da tau..
knp tmpat dia couple seat je???
bkn selalu memanjang ke....
tp ktorg pilih je la..
syazana kata [B] stand for Budak2...
yela tu budak2...

cpt2 tgok balik no seat kat tiket uh..
hah..??x cye...
it is really a couple seat...
actually not seat...we had to lay down when watching the movie.
best x??haha..
sori la....x amk gmbr.
sbb terkejut nye pasal, lpe plak...
syazana ajk da suh amk takut guard tu mara~..:(
by the way...
that is [B] actually is...Beani??
don't know what it is really meaning..
there are only 16 couple seats all in the theater..
great experience.!!^-^