bwk kete lg~

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

I have already got my driving license but,
I still don't have the courage to drive it all by myself..
despite it is only an automatic car..(kancil)..

I hope someday I'll get that C.O.U.R.A.G.E.

only then, I manage to drive whenever I want..
at any time to anywhere..right??!

the most thing that I scare is..
to bring the car out from it place...
which is at the corner of my house...

that place is at the left corner..
I need to adjust the wheel in order to reverse..
and get out of the house..

that is the part where I can't really master.haha...

second is..
the RoundAbout~~~~~
the tendency to be caught in accident is way too much..
considering that my heart which is beating fast..
with my pair of eyes that doesn't really focus..
this is just too much...


d-na said…
good luck kheiru ! :D

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