have you ever feel the same??

lately a feel my friends a bit annoying...
its just make me feel they are not honest with me..
it might just what I feel..
but...I just get along with it..
I'm a type of person who like to do things on my own.
actually,..I'm just shy to ask anyone to be on my side..
so, I just do the things that I'm capable of..
a little incidence happen that makes me acknowledge this.
we are all were given the same task..
and must be pass-up and the end of the class..
I'm just doing mine with some problems...but I manage to solve it..
while my friends were having their own problem..
they were just don't want to figure out the answer on their out..
despite, they just intend to ask me for help...
well, I'm also a kind-heart person..
at first I help them..and it went smooth..
so proceed to the next question..
as you know,...the question are going too difficult at the next level..
even I don't get the correct answer..
but I just see how others do and try it on my own..
the things that annoys me is that my friends here just kind of depend on me..
this make me spend more time thinking how to answer for her question than doing mine.
as we got the answer, we have to copy it to a piece a paper...
because I was busy doing her 'keje' until I was late to copy mine...
the results is that she had done her task while me~
busying attempt to find the answer and to copy it again...
and one more thing,..
(it is no at the end of class plak tu....sampai letcturer kluar klas aku still ddk dpn lappy lg)..
let the pass be the pass..
I'm not a 'dendam' person also...
I just let them be what they want...^.^
kte ikut style kwn kte,kalu dy nak kte tolong, dy kne duk sebelah kte n try buat sme or kte bia dy buat sndri..
cakap yg kite pun belum buat lg..
nadia pun rse perkare yg sme.. assignments tu, x boleh lh kalau kawan x tiru.. mesti nk tgok jugak... kadang2 diorg cakap nk tgok je macam mne kite buat tp last2, tiru smue sekali...