a week to go~

go where...go where..???

ahhhh.enjoy la...^-^V http://matcuoi.com
today is my mid-sem holiday.yahoooo!!!
it a week of holiday..
after a serious-not-so-so study at UITM PUNCAK ALAM~
yap.and a 1st test of physisc,chemistry and maths..fuuuh

speaking of that...I start to feel a little bit disappointed towards what have I did in the test.='(
especially in my physic test..its horrible..I don't know how my mark will be.
but I can guess it right a way~
but still I hope I can pass the test.although this is 1st test,but it felt like a final already.
huhuhu....susa la~

in that case...
in this week of holiday,..I have to study back all the lectures note back.
I have to understand the concept well,do lots of lots of exercises....yah.^-^''
(wish me luck for this whole week)


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