First week of UiTM.

23 MEI 2011..
My father sent me to UiTM Puncak Alam for my further study. only took 2 hours or mybe 2 1/2 hours only to get to there.

-ala.dekat je puncak alam ngn shah alam...stiap mggu aku cdg nak balik kot.^.^''-

I started my MDS week that were told to get 'wuduk' as we all are going for jemaah asar together at Ruang Solat Utama!!
they just gave us 15 min to settled all the things.and you know what..
my room was at level order to rush up,all of the student waited at the elevator set up there.

-hah.mmg ta smpat la kalu nak serbu satu lif tu.last2 aku naik je la tangga g tgkat 4 uh-

well.we were not punctual at all....they were many other students took about 30 we all have to wait for them before we moved on..^.^
short stories,that night,...I slept at 2.00 am..and have to wake up at 4.25 am to gather at kolej hall at 5.15 am....
we had to settle all the document because we are going to register at our faculty tomorrow.
it's a bit shock as there were many student who didn't complete all the doc,so..we all have to wait them settle before going back to our room..MY ROOOM~

-sesi MDS ni mmg kelam kabut aku je la..tatau la org lain pk cmner..maybe akak2 fasi tu nak ktorg pndai set mse kot.-

my MDS ended that friday...on the friday night,we had this 'MALAM BERSAMA PM'...we all sang a song,clapping hands,playing a little game we had learnt and took a photo together with our fasilatator..^-^

I got RAFFLESIA 5..which is very close to the 'Tangga Kejayaan' also known as Tangga Batu Caves...^.^
my roomate name is Fatin Nadiah...from seremban..she study at Sekolah Teknik Seremban.well.just barely know her because she spent most of her time with her schoolmate which just our neighbour.haha...
in one house there are 4 rooms that share 2 peoples total people in one room is 8.
the names of my housemate is :
  1. Fatin Nadiah
  2. Ain
  3. Zureen
  4. Jihah
  5. Aisyah
  6. Khaira
  7. Syieda

-heh.roomate sndri pun aku ta brpe knl,..cne nak knl housemate yg lain.susa kot...diorg sume wat hal msing2 je..tape,tape..aku akn cbe berkomunikasi ngn diorg...^.^''-

ngeee.I can't upload any photos yet...I'm not like other student who got camera in their time I shall take one...^.^V
I must thank GOD for giving me the opportunity for my further studies in my fav sector.ALHAMDULILLAH :)....


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