out again

last Tuesday, I went out to Berjaya Time Square~
with Faaiqah, Lyana, Husna and Syahrol...
well..most of that time I spent with Faaiqah and Lyana actually...
while the other two enjoy themselves...
we just met up when it is the time for our movie!!!( REAL STEEL )

it's been a while since I last saw them...
so.we just talk about what did we do during the holiday!!^.^

and you guys know what??
I'm the first one to arrive at KTM (-____-'')
I thought I was the one that is LATE but actually.....it's the other way around.
so.I just have to wait until they showed up...
YES...actually,I didn't know how to go to TS.:'
that is why I have to wait for them.>.<''

all the way long, we just talk about random stuff...
the result..how's study..it's been a while..and others~

I had my lunch at PAPA JOHN..
there was many choices of place to eat actually,
but out of that many, we chose papa john instead.haha..(what an explain~)

the order was much like pizzas...
just there were no mushroom soup.haha...
I like the onion sos..well,I think it is onion~DAEBAK!!!

then we straight to the mosque.zohor pray!!!
and then we head on the the movie.hehe....
it was awesome..
I suggest you all to watch Real Steel...really.it worth to be seen.


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