car license done *check :)

walaupun set alarm jam 6.30...
asyik snooze je, smpi kul 7.30 bru bgun~
well.that's normal for me these day actually.^.^

the differences are.
today I didn't get back to sleep this morning.
that is because I have a paper to be fill in.

then.I opened my computer.
heard the song of Taylor Swift-Jump then Fall.^-^
kind of falling to it...

tenet..tenet..(bunyi sms masuk)
'Tahniah.Anda telah memiliki lesen kereta, sila datang ke metro sek2 utk mengambilnya serta mmbuat pmbyran yg slbhnya'
lbh kurang cmni la ayt nye.

wah.happy mood came...^.^
so I phoned the metro to set the time to be there..
after 2.00 pm...orite.

yeah.I have no more related to the metro driving academy after this.
hee.kind of sad a little
because they just too kind and helpful in teaching me to drive a car.
well.I can't see them anymore after this,rite....

I just have to make sure I didn't forget what the teacher had teach me.
and be the best driver on the road and avoid accident!!![^.~]


Silver Ring said…
AAAHHH!!!jealousnye!!!jealous!jealous! :P
kheiru said…
nti giliran kau plak..
tggu nak post kat blog aje!!^.^

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