
Showing posts from June, 2010

the results

hahaha... this is my first time i didn't have any FAIL in my mid-year exam. that was shOOck a little bit,.. but. thanks to GOD. my physic n chemy n also admath.. i got C.. haha.. almost fail la.. but still,i pass right.!! but the total mark ,i got no 2 in my class.. yeah.. hehe.. atleast that was a good nO my parents won't be mad at me hehe..

kul 12..

cinderella's stepsister OST it has to be you - yesung calling out - luna & krystal turn around yup,.. bru lpas tgok MV dia... sweeeeet~~sgt.. next week cte nie hbs da.. huh.. bru tau cte nie ade 20 ep je... waawawaaaaaaaaaa pape un,. x sbar nak tgok ending

LK Project

yes. saya tlh dtugaskan utk mlksanakan stu tugas LK.. along with my 3 other friends.. Haryani,Sakinah,Rozanna just now.. we just all together bkerjasama doing this tgkat 1.. haha.. amk masa btol la nak wat rmah nie.. actually,this just a game that we participate in our LK subject..=] as for me.. i want to get this 'pengalaman' and a desire of winning this competition.. wah.. all of us must be aim for the winning,right??!! yes... may Allah keeps my faith in doing this house...=] the due date are this 29 JUN 2010... hoho... that only couples of week left.. someone... please help us,=*


Kem Rimba Ria,Sungai Congkak... dibawa khas oleh MSU (Management & Science University) 5 & 6 JUN 2010 Kursus Kepimpinan Pengawas PSS SMKS18 oh,oh,oh,.. my leg hurt so much after that camp.. we had games,'ceramah',tazkirah agama,jungle trekking,gift 4 winners only.. yeah,.. it was a wonderful camp.. i wish i had a chance to go there again.. but i really don't want to take bath there.. because.. i had to bath with things called ' kolah '.. yg besar tue.. adoyaiii.. dah la x bwk kain batik..cne nak mndi uh.. itula pengalaman first saya mndi pkai kain bju kurung .. wah...kantOOi lak mndi pkai kain itu ya...=] first and for all.. i was picked to be a 'Penghuluwati aka Penghuli' jht gle spe yg pggil saya penghuli tue.. aku bg penghuli btOOl3 kang bru tau.. but.. not to hard la 4 me to be responsible as penghuluwati nie.. i just had to make sure that all the girl's student were there.. hohohohooooooooooooo.. then3... my group name was HAMKA.. the first...

totally menyampah la...

tau sbb ape.. nie sume pasal dak laki klas 5 Ali .. ok2.. kte speaking skang.. As usually,.. after recess,i will go back to my class using block F stairs.. but today,.. i use the Block C stair to went up.. so,i have to go through 5 ali,5 uthman n then my clas.. went going through this 5 Ali class.. all of their boys were hanging outside the corridor where i had to go through it.. the things that i 'MENYAMPAH' itu ialah.. mereka tdk bergnjak dr tmpat mereka.. meaning,.. i had to walk in between them.. ahah... gedik nyeeeeer... x ske2... nsib baik la kte nie agak kurus.. so.. pass la gak.. ape la.. then i asked my friend how do her went through just now..? she told me that she went inside the class.. neh.. nape la aku x msok klas tu td...???////