totally menyampah la...

tau sbb ape..
nie sume pasal dak laki klas 5 Ali..
kte speaking skang..

As usually,..
after recess,i will go back to my class using block F stairs..
but today,..
i use the Block C stair to went up..
so,i have to go through 5 ali,5 uthman n then my clas..
went going through this 5 Ali class..
all of their boys were hanging outside the corridor
where i had to go through it..

the things that i 'MENYAMPAH'
itu ialah..
mereka tdk bergnjak dr tmpat mereka..
i had to walk in between them..
gedik nyeeeeer...
x ske2...
nsib baik la kte nie agak kurus..
pass la gak..
ape la..

then i asked my friend how do her went through just now..?
she told me that she went inside the class..
nape la aku x msok klas tu td...???////


Cik LunaRose said…
hu2..ak memahami..mmg mnyampah..
gdik nk tego2 lk..huh!

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