
Engineering Student to a Financial Consultant

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Saya Nurull Kheilda. 😤 Nak cerita sikit la tentang diri saya ni ye.. Saya merupakan graduan kejuruteraan elektrik di UiTM. Selesai 4 tahun belajar, tak tidur malam untuk siapkan assignment semua. Alhamdulillah. Saya ni bukanlah pelajar cemerlang mana pun. Dapat anugerah dekan pun selang-selang semester nya. Ada semester susah, ada semester tu boleh tahan senang nya. hihi Ok. Daripada budak kejuruteraan ke bidang kewangan ??!! POSSIBLE.. POSSIBLE.. Siapa kata tak boleh? Boleh.... Macam saya!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Ilmu itu luas. Ilmu itu boleh dipelajari. Kita tak dihadkan untuk mempelajari satu benda sahaja. There is no limit to what you can do, as long as you willing to put the effort. Yepps, cut it short, I assigned myself to be a unit trust consultant. So here I am.

When will I grow up?

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. have you ever realize, the moment when you are mature enough to deal with other people. to deal with the struggling emotion. to deal with people's hope. to deal with problems. for the past years, these thing must have been all along growing with you. without your intention to solve any of it... you just go with the flow. looking for the future. embrace whatever you have now. well, for me. time travel fast. fast enough that I could ever remember how things were solved... or how other people fell about myself. just look forward to the road in front of you.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Hi, it has been a long day since I graduated. THE FEEL WHEN YOU TOOK THE LAST PAPER. IT IS AWESOME. like, it was the end of something for another thing to start. so sekarang I just happily spending my time doing house chores.. u know like basuh pinggan, cuci kain, lap lantai..all that. beli barang dapur... bak kata mak I, "Awak tu dah patut tahu dah apa nak beli kat pasar tu. Kenal sikit ikan dengan sayur tu." Yeah!! but not just that. I ada tolong mak I sikit-sikit doing her business. kasi 'UP' sikit skill microsoft office sume. TAPI. the problem is, I am in a little shortage of money. I need a work. I mean a permanent work that has salary. Hoping the reader to wish me the best. well. till next time. see ya.

Jom Selawat :)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. come together with me to selawat ke atas Nabi. along with this music, really interesting and comforting.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t yezza~ done filling my sem's break with an exciting training. for about 2 months. such a great experience. glad to be meeting all the staff there. although at first I really determined to get my training to be not far from home. so that I can easily come & back. but. it's just a wish~ my internship is at the city of Kuala Lumpur. specifically it was TNB. woooo. that is an hour from my home. not to add the jammed all the way. and I'm not familiar with that place. but as time goes by things just got easy and I just don't care anymore. hahahahaha. I practice using public transport (train + lrt + monorail + bus). its nice to see people prepare for their work. sometimes it made me laugh seeing them. during my training, I went all over places seeing things I've never seen before. mainly electric stuff. there are things I don't understand, but I don't want to express them. because I am afraid that if I ask, I ...


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. ini adik punya idea la ni dah 'ter'tengok anime baru best. lagu best. character best. jalan cerita best. AnoHana cerita tentang sebuah persahabatan antara 6 orang. anime biasanya pendek je. dalam satu hari dah habis dah. well.. lately ni asyik dengar lagu jepun je. heee. enjoy the song.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. kepala :apa nak buat? hati :buat apa lagi? result dah keluar kot. terima je la. kepala :alaa.asyik gitu je kau ni. x naik-naik pun. hati : dah aku kata td kan. terima je la. kepala :eeeee. tak puas hati la aku. hati :hek eh. kau tu kepala, yg hati nya aku. kepala : -,-' again. welcome to another waiting moment in a life. when the result have been stuck in your email. waiting for you to push the button to open it. Alhamdulillah. :) You do your best. All is the best.