
Showing posts from 2015

Jom Selawat :)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. come together with me to selawat ke atas Nabi. along with this music, really interesting and comforting.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t yezza~ done filling my sem's break with an exciting training. for about 2 months. such a great experience. glad to be meeting all the staff there. although at first I really determined to get my training to be not far from home. so that I can easily come & back. but. it's just a wish~ my internship is at the city of Kuala Lumpur. specifically it was TNB. woooo. that is an hour from my home. not to add the jammed all the way. and I'm not familiar with that place. but as time goes by things just got easy and I just don't care anymore. hahahahaha. I practice using public transport (train + lrt + monorail + bus). its nice to see people prepare for their work. sometimes it made me laugh seeing them. during my training, I went all over places seeing things I've never seen before. mainly electric stuff. there are things I don't understand, but I don't want to express them. because I am afraid that if I ask, I ...


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. ini adik punya idea la ni dah 'ter'tengok anime baru best. lagu best. character best. jalan cerita best. AnoHana cerita tentang sebuah persahabatan antara 6 orang. anime biasanya pendek je. dalam satu hari dah habis dah. well.. lately ni asyik dengar lagu jepun je. heee. enjoy the song.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. kepala :apa nak buat? hati :buat apa lagi? result dah keluar kot. terima je la. kepala :alaa.asyik gitu je kau ni. x naik-naik pun. hati : dah aku kata td kan. terima je la. kepala :eeeee. tak puas hati la aku. hati :hek eh. kau tu kepala, yg hati nya aku. kepala : -,-' again. welcome to another waiting moment in a life. when the result have been stuck in your email. waiting for you to push the button to open it. Alhamdulillah. :) You do your best. All is the best.

random things to say

Assalamualaikum w.b.t. Hari ini.. masuk 2 minggu cuti semester. Hari ini.. hujan lagi pada waktu petang. AKU?? macam biasa. depan laptop yg setia selama 4 tahun. bersama handphone android di sebelah kiri. menunggu drama full loading keseluruhan. adakah ini yg sepatutnya dilakukan pd musim cuti? adeyh.. otak terasa kosong. bukan seperti hari-hari kuliah. penuh dengan info yg baru pertama kali aku mengetahuinya. lama-lama aku makin memahami. dan mula melakukan pelbagai latihan dan sewaktu dengan nya. Sekarang?? aku fikir nak buat macam-macam tapi tetap benda sama yg aku buat.


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. alhamdulillah. jumaat lepas (16/1/2015) tamatlah sudah pengajian sebagai seorang mahasisiwi semester ke-lima. so, its 3 more semester to go!!! semakin jauh pengajian, semakin mencabar subjek-subjek yg bakal dipelajari. semester ni pun hampir kesemuanya subjek core elektrikal. semuanya melibatkan kefahaman yg tinggi. kegunaan otak utk memahami utk menganalisa utk menghafal utk memutarbelitkan formula yg sedia ada. aduh.duh.duh... well. aku berserah kepada Allah s.w.t.