First Overnight Experience


this is my first time..having this experience on spending the whole night..
not to sleep instead having fun with my classmate.^-^..

we rent 5 car that night..2 for girls and 3 for boys..
all of them was drove by boys..b'cause girls can't drive at night..
to be in safe mode..we asked the boy to drove the car.

yah..we went off at 8.45 pm 24/2/2012.
by using white viva...we looked like 'Rombongan Cek Kiah' as we followed each other back in one line...yah..
some people looks strange at us.haha..(or just my fantasy,ngeee)...

our first determination was to eat...
well,my stomach were well singing inside my body to have something.hoho..
then, we soon arrive at JUSCO???erkkk...
where's the steambot??haaa....
i don't know what happened,but then i was eating at foodcourt.haha...
the plan was eating steambot,but??hmmmm...

next..we went to ICT.^-^
we spend half an hour there....
just wondering around seeing those beautiful and colourful light,..and taking picture..

well..i'm getting sleepy by now..time 03:20~
next we head to danau kota..up-town
the boys want to smoke some shisha at the nearby restaurant,but it was sold out.haha(serve you right)...

you know what???
the boy were driving car so carelessly~
all of them want to show-off their talent to each other..haiyah.
please remember the girls behind la!!huhu...:'(

it was past to 4.00 am when we arrived at danau kota..
all the shop was being ready to close-up...
this was all because we spent too long on karaoke..haha.
the karaoke part was the best of all...
we sang all the song with all we could...
'Mengapa' song was the best...try search for this song,and sing it if you don't trust me.haha..^-^

next we proceed to ~Hot spring Bath at Selayang~..
ahhh..I'm so sleepy.
I nearly sleep in the car~~~

then we performed our subuh prayer at nearby mosque...
I'm back at my hostel at 8.45 am..
and I just get to bed, and woke up at 2.00pm today~..^-^


d-na said…
haha .. kteorg pun buat rombongan cik kiah gne viva putih jugak ... 6 kereta viva kalau x silap .time sem 1 . kteorg pi penang satu kelas :)

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