what to do then??

pelik tol la..
knp la nak exam final ni aku syik sibok nak tgok drama korea plak ni..
dlu2 x de pun..

kalau nak kata tension tu...x de la sgt
I still can handle things smoothly like always.hoho..
I had two paper recently...mathematics and bel(english).
I really don't know how to expect my mark would turn out to be~
but I really,really,really hope that I can pass them..(insyaAllah)

yup..back to our main topic.
I currently watching Dream High..
where is the story of a group of student who wish to be a famous singer and dancer.
I will say that this story is very supportive story too.
how they struggle to be debuted...even though there are such difficulties ahead of them.
with their teacher's support, they obtain the courage to fight back and gain the spirit back..^0^''

and absolutely I haven't finish watching it yet..
and that's why I spend most of my nite time watching the drama...


Cik LunaRose said…
ahaha..asal ko ni lambat sgt bru nk tgk dream high?adehh..
tp btol la kata ko tu..nape la tme nak exam jgak rse cm nk tgk movie korea..x phm den..
kheiru said…
tu la pasal..kau pun sme cm aku ke?^-^

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