some experience in hostel...

ok..the day is Friday, 5 of Ramadhan.
time..5.30 am,after my sahur the washing room

well,this is not a ghost story or kind of it..
it just a people's manner in lining up.
as usually, to wash ur clothes in the washing room, you will see many bold fill with
dirty clothes (haha)
in that case, you can't wash ur clothe that instance which made you
to line up ur bold at either one of the line there..

as for case, yeah...I did line up..
and I also estimate the time of when my turn to wash my clothe using the washing machine.

so, then..
I just wait that time to come.

when it is the time,..
I went back to the washing room..
guess what...???
my bold is still at the same place.
at the LAST row???!!(wth)

so tell me then..
what actually happen here...
is it my estimated time is not accurate??
well,just say that if the time is not accurate..-____-''
but why is my bold remains at the same place as I put it early??
It suppose to move forward toward the first row atleast~

correct..there was someone cheating here!!!
they didn't line up like I do and just put their bold before me...hate that.
its just some experience I had in the hostel,heee...


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