my life in 'U'~


heee.baru skg nak update pasal U ye..
padahal da 3 minggu da bergelar mahasiswi ni..;')

ok.what am I going to write here
is that what exactly did I do every day at there~

my class start at 8.30 am every day.
so,I have to wake up early in the morning..
every day I wake up at 6.30 or 6.45 in the morning.
then I perform subuh prayer, and after that I'm going for shower..:)
(I like the shower the most here, but sadly there are no hot water)
haha..what do you expect,it is just a hostel...not a HOTEL~

ok.then I prepare to go to class..
at 8.00 am, I'm waiting for my friend, Ain and her housemate~
yeah.she is my friend for this time...^-^V.haha

hah.when everybody is here..
then we are ready to face the 'TANGGA KEJAYAAN' in order to go to the faculty~

every day.yeah..every day...I will have to face that stairs.
~turun sekali...naik sekali~

lps naik tangga tu,mle la tercunggap2...
selalunya balik dalam pkul 5 atau 6 petang...
so terus je la pergi cafe Rafflesia beli mkn malam..tapau je~
mmg nmpak mknn mcm nak amk sume je..
letih kan,bru lps naik 283 ank tangga en..

malam pulak...buat tutorial je keje..
dr pkul 8.30 smpai 10.30 la lbh kurg..
lps tu da msok tdo da~heee..

well.that is my life there,..
boring kan.hoho....^.^''


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