story about my lil bro

I have 2 lil brother,..
one is Firdhaus.age 13 years old.
currently study at SMK SEKSYEN 18 aka my high school,..
he was totally hate the school.
because he didn't want to take arabic subject.

at first, he assumed that he will be going to SSAAS
unfortunately, my mum register him to my school.
the form 1 student are in evening (12 noon)
so, he might taking bus like me in order to go to the school..

well, up until today,..
he always complaint about how he didn't like the school..
everything was too hard for him.

i know that he is new in high school
he also didn't have friends at first..
all his friends were in SSAAS,~

it is just a matter of time went he finally love the school like I did
Firdhaus,FIGHTING OH!!

the other brother is Aliemy.age 11 years old.
currently study at SKRM (I)
he is the youngest among the siblings

whenever he appear, I just had this feeling of annoying..
well, he is an annoying little kid
do u ever heard of phrase 'kurang kasih sayang'..?
but my brother is 'terlebih kasih sayang'..=/

don't count anything on him..
cause he just can't do anything with his bare hand,
all he knows are play, play and play,....

he dislike school very much
so, he will make this useless reason for not going to school..
like 'x siap kje rmh',..'bju x de',..'lambat da',..'bku hilang',..
it just annoying.

well, what to do...
he is the youngest!!!


Cik LunaRose said…
well,sabar jela kalau da dpt adk g2..
adk ak x brani sgt sbb kt rumah de 3 org trgarang..hihi
-my dad
-my sis under me ;p

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